vendredi 27 janvier 2012

The nature of urban design and urban desining

Today the term ‘urban design’ is used to describe almost any design that takes place in any city setting. ‘It seems that every person and their dog is an urban designer; it’s sexy and it’s chic’ (Tennant, 2004).

 Legally any person can call himself or herself an urban designer. Many people in the design fields without experience or formal training or any observable interest in dealing with urban design concerns automatically tag the title on to their basic qualification in order to better market their services. Designers are, after all, generally small business operators.
Many architects believe anybody who can design a building well is capable of designing a good city. Many architects and fewer, but notable, landscape architects have designed (or rather led the designing of ) fine urban environments for people (and, sometimes, other animate species). Sadly, although being well intentioned,
they have also created some less than desirable worlds.
The design process is indeed similar in all decision-making fields but the problems addressed are very different.

book urban design 

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