samedi 21 avril 2012

Galaxy Soho, Zaha Hadid

Carried by the Anglo-Iraqi 
architect Zaha Hadid,
 Galaxy   Soho  is an 
architectural   feat 
characterized   by 

its complexity and fluidity.
Located in downtown Beijing, the building formerly known 
asChaoyangmen Soho is currently under construction.
 It is surroundedby a few urban services, the headquarters 
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the east and 
Chaoyangmen Soho I and II to the north. 
The site wilThe site will become an integral part of the city center, 
bustling withoutdoor spaces, offices and residential 
living spaces.

With 334,000 square meters, including 166,000 for 
designatedoffices and 86 000 for the retail, the 
project does not break withtradition. 
It is designed on the basis of traditional Chinese 
courtyard,an interior space in the open air in each
 building. Galaxy Soho is constructed as a series of 
flows and volumes that combine, fuse and stretch.

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